Thursday, April 21, 2016

Growing Weeks I & II

Growing Weeks I & II marked a continuation of our over-arching unit, All Living Things Grow, which began several weeks ago with "Baby Weeks".  During the past two weeks we focused on plant life that "grows" from seeds!  We read both fiction and non-fiction books on the topic, and sang several "growing" songs.  Our class discussions were focused on the Science of how seeds grow.

During Growing Week I, we spent time planting sprout, flower, bean and grass seeds.

We also spent time watching and waiting for them to grow!

Other classroom activities included:
Plant Puzzle

Flower Arranging

Stitching Bird Cards

Painting Bird Houses

Growing Week II bore witness to the miracles of nature as the seeds planted just a week earlier, sprouted and grew!!!

We marveled at our "sprout seeds" that had sprouted, and enjoyed eating them on out salad at snack time!

We closely examined the bean seeds that had germinated over the past two weeks, exposing their roots, stem and leaves.

At Music and Movement time the carpet became "soil", the light fixtures became the "sun", and the children became "seeds" that "grew" after I "watered" them.

Additionally, we spent time observing and exploring all of the lovely buds and flowers that are now in bloom at Parker School.

Kudos to the children for their wonderful performance in our all-school Shakespeare Presentation on Thursday, April 14!

Happy Birthday to Scarlet, who turned four and celebrated with us on Wednesday, April 6!

Happy Birthday to Elise, who celebrated turning four with us on Monday, April 18!

Looking Deeper:  Exploration and Learning through Play
Let's take a closer at Science in the Pre-K classroom, and the ways in which "hand's on" experiences facilitate "concrete learning" of "abstract concepts" !

As I mentioned "Growing Weeks" are part of a larger Unit of Study that I call; "All Living Things Grow."  Generally speaking, "Growing Weeks" are a time to explore and discuss plant life that grows from seeds.  It is strategically scheduled to coincide with Spring so that the children can simultaneously observe and explore all of the things that are beginning to grow once again after our long cold winter. 

As you may remember, we began this unit with "Baby Weeks."  During "Baby Weeks" we explored and discussed our personal growth since we were babies.  We discerned that babies need three important things in order to grow; healthy food, plenty of rest, and plenty of exercise.  Incidentally, these are the same three things that assured personal health and growth as per our discussions during "Doctor Weeks."  As you can see the children's learning is interconnected, as the concepts we explore support and build upon each other.  These past two weeks as we explored, discussed and planted seeds, we discerned that seeds also need three things to insure their growth; namely, soil, sun and water.

Growth happens over time, and cannot be observed directly in the moment, and so we provided the children with Science activities that would concretely illustrate these abstract concepts. 

The children were clearly delighted when our Alfalfa seeds, sprouted little roots that we could actually eat!

Above and beyond this, the children were memorized as they observed an "actual plant" emerged from our little germinated Bean seed over time!  This activity best illustrated seed growth to the children, as they were able to actually see the "root" growth that had lay hidden within our potted seeds!

Young children find Science to be magical and exciting when they engage in "hand's on" Science exploration.  The only way for them to "learn" Science, is for them to "do" Science!

Have a fun and restful Spring Break!

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